Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Painting, Pizza and Papa's Pal

Today was both a good day and a sad day. We got up early and I worked on the computer a little bit while Frank started breakfast. There is a brand new Cuisinart Coffee maker here and it grinds the beans as well as making the coffee and it is wonderful. Perfect situation, ... right??? Wrong! There was one small problem. When Frank put the beans in and added the water, he neglected to put a filter in the pot, so we had a minor coffee flood in the kitchen to start the day.

After cleaning up the mess, we had a coffee-less breakfast of poached eggs, OJ and toast and then Papa finished packing for his trip to the San Juan with his life-long pal, Larry. I mentioned yesterday that he is a scientist, but that's really putting it mildly. He's probably one of the brightest people that we've ever known. Check him out at this web address. You'll be impressed. There are many articles on him but this is an interesting one.

Once breakfast was over, Larry drove down the hill and picked Frank up so they could make the 400 mile drive to the San Juan to go fly-fishing. They were like two little boys. SO excited to get together and fish for several days. They will be with their guide and friend, Andy Kim, with whom they have fished for many years.
You can check here to see what they will be doing and where.

Even though I was sad to see them leave, the smile on Frank's face was well worth his going off for a few days with a very special friend. They enjoy each other's company so much. It's that special time when they can be little boys together and act like teen-agers when we aren't along. What fun for them!

When the dust settled and they were on their way, Beverly and I went out for lunch and when we returned, I decided to paint. She went up to the big house and I painted all afternoon and into the early evening. The little "Technicolor Bandit" at the top of this entry is the result of my days work.

We ordered pizza to be delivered, shared a bottle of wine and watched "So You Think You Can Dance". When the show was over, she went up the hill and I'm headed for bed.

Have a good rest of the evening. I'll keep my ears open for bears and wild cats and will write more soon.



Margie Whittington said...

All sounds great. Hope you had a good rest with no bears or wild cats keeping you awake.
Love the Racoon Painting and the title "Tecnicolor Bandit"
Have a great day doing what you want to do which will be painting, I am sure.

Nancy Standlee said...

I like your vivid colors and the title is perfect.