Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July from The City Different

We were up bright and early this morning. It's our Nation's Birthday and we were ready to celebrate! Since it's the 4th of July and we wanted to get to the Plaza ASAP for the Annual Pancake Breakfast and the entertainment. Things started happening at 7:00 a.m. and when we got there around 8:30, the line was 3 deep and there were over 300 people waiting to be fed and they had 3 1/2 more hours to serve! I love the motto for the breakfast. It's "Short Order Cooking for Long Term Results". The proceeds from this event go back into the community to help the needy. It's always a wonderfully supported by local people and tourists alike. As you can see from the photographs, everyone dresses up, and there are literally thousands of people on the Plaza during the 8 hour event and a good time is had by all. There are live bands, dancing, and of course, lots of marches by John Phillip Sousa and patriotic songs and sing-alongs. I always get very weepy at this, so I just sing along and cry along. Poor Frank is used to this by now, so he always brings extra tissues for me.
We left the Plaza around 10:30, met our friends the Waldies, and went up to the Fort Marcy Compound for Bob and Cleo Williamson's annual Forty of July Brunch. The food is always delicious, Bloody Mary's and champagne to die for and there are lots of people from both the art and entertainment world there. It's great fun and we always enjoy ourselves.
The gentleman in the American Flag shirt is our host, Bob and his wife Cleo (the brunette) is with her friend, Barbara Hardy from Corinth. They have homes here, Dallas and College Station. He's an Aggie and a devoted fan. (Gig' Em!) Most of these people we know here have several homes as well their houses in Santa Fe, and they are always here for the summer and the Opera.
LaBoheme is on tonight and it's a sell-out crowd as usual. If you don't get your tickets several months in advance it's very difficult to get them. The setting is awesome. The back of the stage is open so as the curtain rises, you are facing the stage with it's elaborate settings and you're overlooking the sunset on the Sangre de Cristo mountains. It's truly breathtaking ..... and the voices and the music ..... they will bring tears to your eyes every time!
We had a wonderful evening with family in Albuquerque yesterday. I'll write about it tomorrow. We have plans tonight and it's cocktail time, so I'd better get dressed. I hope that your 4th was as enjoyable as ours. Have a safe and happy rest of the day and God Bless America!!!

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