Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Thursday evening was Maundy Thursday and we had our Seder Dinner at the church. The Parish Hall was full and everyone really enjoyed the meal and the reinactment of the Last Supper.

It was a wonderful evening and a very moving service that followed. Ian took the role of the child at the Seder dinner and did an excellent job.

I was very proud of him for several reasons. He was a perfect little gentleman and was at church from 5:45 until nearly 10:00 p.m. That's a long time for adults, let alone a young person.

After the Seder Dinner, there was a sung mass with all the bells and smells, a cantor, full choir ... it was heavenly! I wish you all could have been there.

The next morning we served at the early Good Friday service, Saturday was a busy day of preparation, and then came the glorious day of the resurrection and Easter Sunday!

Frank and I served with Father Matkin and Father Kresowaty at the early service.

We do not have any flowers on the altar during Lent, so it is always so exciting to see the church on Easter morning with all the beautiful Easter Lillies and an array of gold and white vestments on the clergy. Our Easter service always begins with the priest saying "Alleluia, the Lord has risen", and the congregation responds with "The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia". It's a wonderful time in the life of the church.

After the service, we had breakfast with friends as we always do on Sunday mornings, and then hurried home to change clothes and await the arrival of our precious family. For the first time in several gatherings, everyone was able to be here. It was wonderful!!!

Our original plans were to meet here, go to the park in Fort Worth for a picnic and then go to the zoo. We used to do this traditionally, but somehow, we haven't done it for a few years. The weather wasn't cooperating, so we decided to stay a the house for a while, have a Bloody Mary since Lent was over and decide what to do. As we were dirtying a few ice cubes, the kids went outside and rode on their skateboards and scooters.

Don't I have a grand looking bunch of grandsons!

They range in age from 8 - 29 and our great grandson, Ethan, is 13! I can't believe that I'm old enough to have all these handsome boys and that they are as old as they are!

After taking a vote (which some said was rigged), we decided to eat our picnic at home and skip the park as it was still both very cold as well as extremely windy. The food was good ... fried chicken, pimiento cheese sandwiches, deviled eggs, pickles olives and chips, and of course, chocolate cake for dessert. It wouldn't be a picnic without chicken and chocolate cake!

After lunch (and several Bloody Mary's), the kids decided to go on to the zoo and the old folks decided to take a nap and get ready for round #2!

Rachel took photographs for me at the zoo and it looked as though they had a great time. Be sure and check out the slide show that follows this blog to see lots more photographs of that part of the day as well as the family members and other happenings that afternoon.

This bunch always has a good time when they're together.

When they returned, the three young ones had an Easter egg hunt, I really don't know who had more fun, the boys looking for the eggs, or Boompa hiding them! The only bad thing about that is that he sometimes forgets where he put them so they all have to hunt together :-)

Most of the "big people" stayed inside during the hunt in order to keep warm. Since the back of the house is glass, we didn't miss out on a thing they were doing!

At one point during the hunt, I thought Ethan was going to go for a swim rather than hunt eggs. Fortunately, he changed his mind.

After the egg hunt, everyone came inside , snacked on what was left from lunch and then packaged up some doggie boxes for their lunch the next day.

Boompa had to sneak a peek at the golf tournament to see what Tiger was doing. We can't let a Sunday go by without a little sports TV!

To put a cap on the end of the day, Ian lost a tooth. I have no idea how much the tooth fairy will bring him, but however much it is, I'm sure he'll put it to good use!

And speaking of teeth, (retired Orthodontists wives always do) Ethan gets his braces off in a couple of weeks. YEAH!

We were up bright and early yesterday morning as we had a full day ahead of us. After our workout, we changed clothes and went to see our friend who had surgery last week. We then went to lunch, visited with another friend who is a shut-in and then went grocery shopping for them as it is difficult for them to get to the store. When we returned home around 5:00, I went across the street to visit with a neighbor who has decided to stop her dialysis. It was a small neighborhood gathering and we were able to say our goodbye's to her while she is still in good spirits. She's very tired and is ready to go to a greater reward. When I left there, I got home just in time to Dance with the Stars.

Today is another busy day as I'm getting ready for our trip to New Mexico. Must secure the area, get a pedicure and pack. I'll write more later. We'll be off to the Land of Enchantment soon!
I hope that your Easter holiday was as blessed as ours was. There's nothing on earth better than being surrounded by those whom you love and who love you as well. I thank God every day for my family and friends.

XOXO, Pcasso

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our Easter was busy, but not nearly as busy as yours, my hat is off to you!

Hope your Santa Fe trip is enchanting!